SHOWCASING THE FUTURE How realistic must we be if we want to be able to commit to the future? (or why dystopia lacks imagination)0 Comments5 Minutes Why you do not need to know technology to share a vision about spaceflight0 Comments4 Minutes Envisioning the extreme : can Science Fiction help us speculate about real life Unexplained Flying Objects ?0 Comments7 Minutes Excuse my French: our imaginaries can be wrong, and that’s great!0 Comments5 Minutes CITY Visions of Google Glasses’ tech in a mudane future0 Comments7 Minutes Exploring the city in our imaginaries0 Comments2 Minutes Can we stop talking about flying cars please ?0 Comments6 Minutes The future of energy is low tech and mundane0 Comments4 Minutes WAR Excuse my French: our imaginaries can be wrong, and that’s great!0 Comments5 Minutes The augmented human needs more informations and new interactions0 Comments6 Minutes Imaginaries are a powerful tool … that needs real work to be used for futuring0 Comments4 Minutes Is this the future of drone swarms ?0 Comments6 Minutes FINANCE Strange economics : what is the value of human life in science fiction ?0 Comments6 Minutes Finance in our imaginaries. Dealing with preferences, money and anything related to economics.0 Comments6 Minutes